I got some pretty cool things from the hospital. I thought I would share my top four (ok so there are only four). Some of you may know that when you are in the hospital and you are packing to go home, you take home everything that isn't bolted to the floor. You will pay for every tissue that was provided whether you use it or not, so you might as well take it home (even if the tissues are so rough they make you look like Rudolph after the first blow). Erik was pretty excited when I told him about the "take everything that isn't bolted to the floor rule". He was already mentally placing the tv cabinet in our living room. Unfortunately, the cabinet wouldn't fit in the van so we had to leave that behind.
The nurses put Alexis' little footprints on this shirt for Erik. I thought that was a really cute idea. For some reason it looks like her left foot is alot smaller than her right, now that I look at this. I will have to look into that.
I am absolutely crazy about what I drink my water in. When we were first taken to our room I saw this beautiful cup on the tray. As soon as the nurse left, I said to Erik "Look at that cup. I get to keep that! Take a picture of it." I absolutely could not wait until they decided I was well enough after the surgery to have some ice water in that thing! I think I may have to check on the hospital's website to see if they sell these because having 2 would not be too many. Or maybe, I will just have to keep having babies to get more, I don't know, we'll see.
4. New Baby