BOY!!! We are having another boy! We are SO excited!
I have to admit I was nervous (maybe terrified is more accurate) when I thought about the idea of having 2 girls less than 2 years apart. Our little Alexis makes me smile till my cheeks hurt and laugh till my stomach hurts and I am beyond thankful and blessed to have her, but boy is she a sassy little thing. I think she may just be all the girl I am able to handle and apparently God thought so too!
Now we are thinking of names. I wanted another boy, but I was way more prepared to name another girl. Erik and I seem to agree easier on girl names. Thankfully we have plenty of time to decide. Matthew is still on a major Mario kick, so his name suggestion is Luigi. I told him if his baby brother came out wearing green overalls, speaking with an Italian accent, and carrying a Nintendo controller we will most definitely name him Luigi, so now you know what Matthew is praying for these days.
Book Review: Learning to Listen by Hussung
1 week ago
Congratulations on another son! I'm sure the two of you will come up with just the perfect name for your little one! No need to rush, unless of course, you don't have a name decided and it is time to bring your little guy home!
So happy for you, Megan! I didn't realize that you were pregnant again but Oh So Happy for you!! The perfect name will come.
Blessings to you and Erik and your three munchkins!!
What can I say? Matthew has a great name idea. And really, with your love of Nintendo I think it is fitting.
Congratulations! I'm VERY excited for you.
Yey for a boy :) I was wondering if you would find out or not. I'm with Matthew - Luigi is very unique, he will be the only one in his class named that, he would be in a VIDEO GAME...come on, how cool would that be? You should think about it some more... :)
Congratulations! We wish you all the very best :o) So excited for you all!! ANOTHER BOY!! I do love Matthew's idea - but I think you reasoned very well with him ;o)
Yeah for 2 boys and a girl! If Hannah was a boy I was going to name her Judah. I just love that name. And Landon. I love that name too. Whatever you name him will be great, so excited for you!
Two boys and a girl! The BEST combo! Haha. These sassy little girls of ours will make for strong independent women. I try to remind myself of that often. Love ya lady
HOly Moly Congrats Girl!!! I am beyond excited for you.
Nice blogger i like it.....
so nice blogger
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