The way your child can act at times (you know the kind of behavior that makes you want to shout "Who are you???") and then complain that their ear hurts (4 days after finishing antibiotics for an ear infection) . You think "Oh, I guess the ear infection didn't clear up, back to the doctor. This explains why he has been acting like *that* child every time we are in public and cries at least 3 times a day claiming I have hurt his feelings."
Even Scarier.....
Going to the doctor convinced you have it all figured out only to hear "His ears look great".
There goes that excuse!
** That child by definition, is any child that you saw in the grocery store, restaurant, family gathering, etc.. pre-parenthood (or even as a parent of a newborn) that behaved in such a way that everyone was sure to notice and made you think or even say aloud "When I have kids they will never act like that!".
Book Review: Learning to Listen by Hussung
1 week ago
Hang in there Miss Megan! I have also had a very sensitive feelings little girl lately. What is it?!?! Something in the air?? LOL Paris' excuse after she finds that she isn't actually going to get her way is "I just wanted you to hold me mamma". Hahaha. Miss you guys!
Oh I hear ya!!! I have been blaming teething for months now! Whenever I see a kid acting up out I give a very sympathetic look and when Ella acts up we pretty much bust out of wherever we are within 5 minutes!
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