Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Four Years Ago Today....

... my 9lb 10oz chub of love baby boy came into this world.

I cannot believe he is 4! But yet I can't really seem to remember life without my little love. 4 seems likes such a big jump from 3. We celebrated on Sunday with my parents. Matthew called it "the best day ever of my life", so I would say he had fun. I actually bought a birthday cake, which I have never done before, but Matthew is completely in love with those cakes he sees in the store so it was kinda like another present for him. I must say though I will probably not buy another one again because it didn't taste very good. Matthew did love it though so I guess that is all that really matters!

We are having fun playing with some new toys today. New toys are great. And Whac-a-mole is loads of fun, even if you are much older than 4! There may have been a time or 2 on Sunday when the 4 adults were playing the game without the birthday boy.


Anonymous said...

I wish I could have been there. Hug Matthew for me today. Let him know I miss him.

Amy said...

Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday dear Matthew
Happy Birthday to you

From the Gallahars'
**people you don't know but your mama does***

Jenney said...

Happy Birthday Matthew!

kristykh said...

Happy Birthday Matthew! I will say I had to do a double take when I saw a baby picture. I thought, "she's not due yet and that baby is too big to be a preemie."

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Matthew!

Jenny said...

Happy Birthday you big boy!

The Queen said...

Happy Birthday Matthew! I love you lots and lots, and I remember holding you when you were about 1 day old! :) I was so excited for you to be born!!! :) I am very late sending a card, but it doesn't mean I'm not thinking about you today. You are one special little boy!

Angela said...

Yea for your boy! You better be ready for the baby scene all over again! Thanks Lord! Happy for you guys!!!