So ever since Erik lost his job in late October things have been pretty interesting around here. We have never really had anything go wrong with the house or car in the past, which has obviously been a major blessing. However, in the last few months it seems we can't go a week without something breaking. I had a dream last night that our microwave broke. Thank goodness that hasn't happened, then we would REALLY be in trouble. It is however missing the door handle, luckily that has no bearing on it's ability to heat.
Last week we had some interesting health insurance happenings. Did anyone know that there isn't an insurance company out there who wants to cover an expectant father???? Erik and Matthew have been on a separate insurance policy from me because I am on the expensive COBRA (due to pregnancy). We happened to be reading that my insurance wouldn't cover the baby bills once she is born since she would be born 60 days after his employment ended at his last job, so Erik called to see if she could be put on with he and Matthew. They told him that not only could she not be added but they would have to cancel the policy altogether because he was an expectant father. Very long story short Matthew has new insurance, Erik has nothing, and we think baby girl will in fact be able to be added to my policy after all.
Also, last week we realized we must in fact fix the breaks on the van and not put that off any longer.
Last Monday, Erik was supposed to be getting off early because he was over in hours. He called me 15 minutes after he was supposed to be off to tell me he had been in a car accident. Praise the Lord, no one was hurt. The other driver ran a red light and hit the driver's side door on our van. The door is dented, but it really isn't that bad. The other driver however, has no insurance and her tags were expired, plus she got a ticket for the accident since it was her fault. I would say that the incident was definitely worse for her. Erik took the van in this morning to be repaired and got a rental car since the van is our only mode of transportation these days.
The theme of the last few months has definitely been change. New job, new schedule, one car, broken water heater, new car brakes, car accident, crazy health insurance, and preparing for our new addition ( girl, which is definitely a good change). I definitely am not saying all this to complain, but to say the Lord provides. We are beyond blessed! I am so thankful that we can go through seasons with so much uncertainty and be completely certain that we will be taken care of, whether it be the way we expect or not.
Book Review: Learning to Listen by Hussung
1 week ago
Oh WOW! I've been praying for a healthy pregnancy and baby, but it looks like I could be praying for a few more things! Who knew expectant fathers were so high risk?! Of course my Matthew will probably use that info. to tell me how hard and awful pregnancy is for the dads. ;) I hope your car gets fixed soon. Did you know running red lights cause about 1,000 deaths in the US every year? It's awful! I read some horror story in Reader's Digest at my parents over Christmas. Well, I am SO glad Erik wasn't hurt! I will be thinking about you and praying for you all! Love and Hugs!
I love your attitude Megan. I'm sorry you guys have been thru so many happenings lately!My thoughts and prayers are with you and lets hope you get some good surprises soon!!
Oh NO! we haven't spoken to the two of you in a few weeks so I just now read this. I am so sorry to hear all this. I will call soon.
Mom Smith
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