This morning while getting ready to take Matthew to VBS
I Wonder........
How many times I have heard "Hey, Mama" this hour?
If our ears are only able to hear a certain amount of words in a lifetime before shutting down completely? (I may be nearing my quota)
When I see a young man park in the "new and expectant mother" spot at CVS
I Wonder......
When is he due?
If I should take a photo of him? (he will likely be famous soon, since pregnancy in males is kind of rare, that photo could make me rich)
When walking out to the van to go pick Matthew up from VBS
I Wonder.....
How in the world could I have left the side door open for 2 hours?
Will the van start? (It did by the way)
While eating lunch
I Wonder......
Would Matthew be ok eating pb&j for lunch for the rest of his life?
What did I eat?
Really why can't I remember what I ate? (maybe I should ask Matthew, he probably remembers)
When getting Matthew up from a little rest time
I Wonder.....
How can he possibly stand to be covered up in a fleece blanket when the thermostat right outside his door reads 84 degrees?
Was he wearing that outfit when I last saw him?
Moments ago while passing by the bathroom mirror
I Wonder......
Has my hair ever been this long before?
Why is it so knotty?
What is that thing in my hair?
How long have I been toting this baby booger around in my hair?
Book Review: Learning to Listen by Hussung
1 week ago
Haha you are so funny Megan!
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