So as the title suggests we have had a crazy week. On Monday, Erik came home from work with some pretty stinky news. He no longer had a job. The reason given was that his boss was eliminating his position. I am not going to get into into alot of details, but I will just tell you this was a HUGE shock. Erik just got some very large accounts for the auction, so to eliminate his position seems strange and unfair (ok and dumb too). The situation seems fishy and I will admit I think my man has been wronged.
My husband is awesome though. As soon as he got home he made some calls to anyone he knows who may have a job for him and sent his resume to everyone hiring within a 30 mile radius. On Tuesday, he went to a job fair, had an interview, and got a few more scheduled for next week. Erik is really the best job finder.
We are also very blessed. Through working at the auction Erik knows every car dealer in the area, as well as, many other dudes from businesses that send cars to the auction. Erik has received many calls from these people once they find out about him being let go, offering any connections they may have to finding him a new job. One even said he would have a job for Erik by the end of the week. Now I am not holding my breath, but it is just such a blessing that people are so willing to help.
The really great part about this week is that Erik's parents are here visiting us from Michigan. We have been looking forward to their visit and we are so happy to have them!
I am beyond confident that the Lord will provide, He always has. I am not completely freaking out, so that is certainly evidence that He has already provided me peace that we all know I do not possess during financial trials.
Thank you to our family and friends who I know are already on their knees on our behalf!
Book Review: Learning to Listen by Hussung
1 week ago
Erik is the BOMB when it comes to job searching and interviewing. I think he should start a business helping other people to find jobs someday! I will be praying for you ALL! Love you!
I am praying REALLY hard for you guys. That is just so wrong! I wish he could take action against that .....lady (I'll keep it clean I guess). UGH. I'm sorry you guys have to deal with this and I hope things work out soon. And who knows, maybe even for the better. Love you guys lots
wow we are for sure praying for you! The Lord WILL provide girl! Way to be so proud of your husband too:)
We will definatly be praying!
Wow that is crazy. I am so sorry! Brad and I will be praying so much for you guys.
Megan and Erik,
that well, it just sucks. We are both praying for you guys and are keeping you in our thoughts. The Lord does work in mysterious ways and I know he is looking out for the best of your family. Keep us updated. Just FYI, there are tons of jobs in Texas...heehee
similar thing happened to me this past summer and it ended up working out for the better. keep your head up and keep pounding the pavement. something will come up. in the meantime, try to enjoy some of the impromptu vacation and remember, we have a couple unused bedrooms up here in chicago if you want to visit (or even stay for an indefinite amount of time). it would be a SAU reunion of sorts. we would have to enfore "Open Hours" though.
It was so great visiting with you both and I was so impressed with both your optimism and positive outlooks. The amount of calls Erik received while we were there was very heartening.
Matthew is such a joy and his remark about how he couldn't believe he slept with "those annoying stains" on his pants still makes me smile. It was great seeing your parents again Megan. Thanks for putting up with us. I can't wait until next time! Love you all.
BLOG GIRL BLOG...I need updates so we know how to pray!
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